Go Samana - No.1 Website in Samana. Advertising, Marketing and Promotion of your Business of Samana Dominican Republic to the International World of Tourism.
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Website Design in Las Galeras, Las Terrenas, Samana Dominican Republic.

Jon Velas
President • Creative Director

Phone & WhatsApp : +1 809 902-9724

E-mail : jonvelas.webagency@hotmail.com

Visit us also at : www.jonvelas-webagency.com

Euris Agueda
Sales Manager
(809) 668-2927

Suzanna La Punta

Jimbel Anderson

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Advertise and promote your business on Go Samana and Go Las Galeras. Contact us to know our low cost advertising rates. Market your business at a small price to more than 62,000 visitors yearly from more than 180 countries around the World.