There is only 1 main Bank in the town of Las Galeras
Banco de Reservas
Open Monday to Friday:
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
ATM Machine : Open 24 hours a day
You can see the location of the bank on the Go Las Galeras Map
North American Standard 3 way plug - 110 Volts
1 January > New Year's
6 January > Epiphany
21 January > Altagracia
26 January > Duarte's Birthday
27 February > Independence Day
18 April > Good Friday
5 May > Labour Day
19 June > Corpus Christi
16 August > Restauration Day
24 September > Our Lady of las Mercedes
10 November > Constitution Day
25 December > Christmas Day
The whole Samana peninsula is actually one of the safest place
on the island of Dominican Republic
POLITUR ( SECTUR ) is the Tourism Police force in Samana, with more than
60 agents patrolling Samana Peninsula towns, streets and beaches.
You will find many Internet connections in Las Galeras
Many restaurants and terraces offers FREE Internet WIFI
Get detailed Weather Reports for the next 24 Hours
+ 10 Days Forecast about Las Galeras region (Samana)
See Weather
There are 3 main providers of Cellular Phones Services
in the Samana Peninsula
ALTICE (Ex ORANGE from France Telecom)
CLARO from Codetel
You will find some services in Las Galeras, but mostly in Samana City where you will find the main central offices of the providers.
Las Galeras main beach Main public beach in Las Galeras
located at the end of the mainstreet downtown.
Grand Paradise beach Beach of the Hotel Grand Paradise located 1/2 Kilometer from downtown Las Galeras.
La Playita beach Beautiful white sand beach located about 2 kilometers from downtown Las Galeras. The favorite beach of foreigners living in the region.
Playa Rincon Only 7 minutes away by boat from the main downtown beach
in Las Galeras and also from La Playita beach.
Just ask anyone with a boat the best price to get there.
Playa Fronton / Playa Madame Totally spectacular and very secluded,
about 12 minutes away by boat from the main beach downtown in Las Galeras.
Just ask anyone with a boat the best price to get there.
The Whale Museum and Nature Center
Open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm - ALL YEAR
Samana has one of the largest marine mammal sanctuaries in the World.
It is a major center for Whale Watching activities in the migration season,
every single year the Whales are here from January 15 th to March 31 st.
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